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Þórey Jónsdóttir
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Fyrirspurn: SELECT tng_medialinks.medialinkID, tng_medialinks.personID as personID, people.burialtype, as living, people.private as private, people.branch as branch, tng_medialinks.eventID, tng_families.branch as fbranch, as fliving, tng_families.private as fprivate, people.lastname as lastname, people.lnprefix as lnprefix, people.firstname as firstname, people.prefix as prefix, people.suffix as suffix, people.nameorder, people.title, altdescription, altnotes, tng_medialinks.gedcom, people.birthdate, people.birthdatetr, people.altbirthdate, people.altbirthdatetr, people.deathdate, people.deathdatetr, familyID, people.personID as personID2, wifepeople.personID as wpersonID, wifepeople.personID as wife, wifepeople.firstname as wfirstname, wifepeople.lnprefix as wlnprefix, wifepeople.lastname as wlastname, wifepeople.prefix as wprefix, wifepeople.suffix as wsuffix, husbpeople.personID as hpersonID, husbpeople.personID as husband, husbpeople.firstname as hfirstname, husbpeople.lnprefix as hlnprefix, husbpeople.lastname as hlastname, husbpeople.prefix as hprefix, husbpeople.suffix as hsuffix, tng_sources.title as stitle, tng_sources.sourceID, tng_repositories.repoID, reponame, linktype FROM tng_medialinks LEFT JOIN tng_people AS people ON tng_medialinks.personID = people.personID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = people.gedcom LEFT JOIN tng_families ON tng_medialinks.personID = tng_families.familyID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_families.gedcom LEFT JOIN tng_people AS husbpeople ON tng_families.husband = husbpeople.personID AND tng_families.gedcom = husbpeople.gedcom LEFT JOIN tng_people AS wifepeople ON tng_families.wife = wifepeople.personID AND tng_families.gedcom = wifepeople.gedcom LEFT JOIN tng_sources ON tng_medialinks.personID = tng_sources.sourceID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_sources.gedcom LEFT JOIN tng_repositories ON (tng_medialinks.personID = tng_repositories.repoID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_repositories.gedcom) WHERE mediaID = "13654" ORDER BY people.lastname, people.lnprefix, people.firstname, hlastname, hlnprefix, hfirstname LIMIT 51
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